
Hello! My name is Jane, I am from Toronto, Canada.

I spent the first couple of years pursuing data visualization design. One of my first jobs out of school was at Kantar, a global market research firm. I worked as a Data Designer for a few years, this meant I helped build PowerPoint reports for our clients. Later in my career, I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to work as the Communications Manager at the Data Visualization Society. The Society has been a great source of community and inspiration, so I’m glad that I can play an active role to help them grow.

If you’ve followed my work and checked out my site before, you might notice that it’s changed. I updated the site design in March 2022. Don’t worry, all the dataviz stuff I wrote about before will still remain on my site, with the same URLs as before. I also have an extensive FAQ page of questions I’ve gotten over the years and my responses to them.

If you’d like to say hi and connect, go ahead and send me an email.